Click here to listen to my interview with Michael DeVellis:
Michael DeVellis Interview
I know this is now 2 weeks + late and I apologize immensely!! It's my fault for thinking that it would be easy to edit it in an audio program (Logic Pro for those of you that are familiar or are AV nerds! lol). I finally was able to work out the kinks (with the help of my hubby) and finished the final edit. I thought you guys would appreciate hearing Michael DeVellis, founder of The Powder Group, speak than me translating it in a long blog especially since he's just so interesting to listen to. I interviewed him at The Canadian Makeup Show the weekend of November 10 and 11. His interview is full of background info of how the makeup scene was 10 years ago and where it is now and how The Powder Group has helped shape the makeup artist community.
So, just to rant a little more about my editing project, I was disappointed to find out that part of my interview was lost because I think my recorder ran out of space! I thought I had been recording but I was not even though what did get recorded was 52 minutes long! Can you imagine how long it actually was?? I'm really bummed about that. But what I did manage to capture was still full of insightful information and inspiration! You'll have to excuse my girly giggles and a lot of "yahs". I kind of forgot I was interviewing him and felt like we were just casually chatting. He's just so intriguing to listen to. I hope you enjoy listening to the interview as much as I enjoyed interviewing him. I saw Michael again at Industry Cosmetics this past Sunday for Billy B.'s seminar. I can't wait to post about the awesome makeup tips Billy gave! So stay tuned for that as well! Thank you Michael for the amazing interview and sorry for the lateness!
Wow!!! Kudos on the interview!! Fabulous :-)
Hey Kreativemix!
Thank you very much!! Hope you enjoyed it!
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