Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beauty Feature: yaby cosmetics and Liz Yu

One of the great things of being a part of a makeup artist community and attending events for makeup artists is meeting and learning about other brands. I had learned of yaby cosmetics a few years ago from other makeup artists in the industry. When I realized that Toronto makeup artist, Liz Yu, was the genius behind the brand I knew I just had to meet her.

Well, it took us almost 3 years to officially meet in person! I had the awesome pleasure of finally meeting Liz at Toronto IMATS this year. With all the success she's had with yaby cosmetics and as an artist, her sweet and absolutely down-to-earth personality was refreshing!

The concept behind yaby and the reason the line is so popular are for the customizable and compact palettes. Liz was searching for solutions to condensing her growing kit and decided if you can't find it make it yourself! These handy palettes not only save on space, but the planet as well. Every shade comes in a refillable pan!

A swatching frenzy began when I visited the yaby booth at IMATS. The range of colours were just beautiful and highly pigmented. The top swatches are of a bronzer and some blushes. I fell in love with the bronzer - the colour was so rich and deep. My other faves were the pearl paint shadows (swatch below)! The texture felt like a cream but had a powder finish. The shadows are also saturated with colour so what you see is what you get - very important when working with photography or video.

The palettes come in a range so you can customize to your needs. One palette can hold up to 40 eye shadows - a makeup artist's dream! Sigh...if I ever get back into makeup full-time I will definitely be snatching up a few palettes!

yaby, created for the makeup artist but is perfect for makeup junkies who have a love for makeup and are tired of overflowing makeup bags! Thank you to Liz for stopping to chat with Makeup Junkie!

For more information on the products and pricing, visit

Have you tried yaby cosmetics? Makeup Junkie wants to know!

For more coverage on IMATS, click here.


Donna Marie said...

I've always heard if Yaby on YouTube. I'm itching to try!

. : * justine * : . said...

I *LOVE* Yaby cosmetics. I have the Pearl Paints palette and over the summer it was the #1 palette I would reach for to do bright, colourful looks! I'm now eyeing the Blush Out Loud and Best of Both Worlds palettes, but I'm hoping somehow I will find them on sale so I don't feel as bad about splurging!

Make-up Junkie said...

@donnamarie - definitely a must-try! you will love yaby for sure!

@justine - such great palettes. The brights are stunning. Ohh, Blush Out Loud sounds intriguing! Why not give yourself a Christmas gift or 2? ;)

Michelle @Lipstickrules said...

I regret not picking anything up from Yaby. Looks so fantastic!!

Make-up Junkie said...

@LipstickRules - never too late :) you will definitely love the line!

Naomi said...

I love the Yaby cream foundations. The photograph amazingly. I have yet to try out the eye shadows and blushes but I've heard so many great things about them.

lelo said...

Yaby is on my Christmas wish list.

diätpillen said...

I purchased the Yaby concealer palette after hearing so many good things about the line on this board. I am loving it so much I've started a little savings on the side strictly to start getting more Yaby goodies. But wanted to do search the board like others said, there is tons of great info and discussions that helped me out too!

bathmate said...

nice website .
i like it.
